Tuesday 14 April 2009


Following the unanimous vote taken by the 350 people who packed Hoddesdon Parish Church
last month, a meeting has been organised on Thursday 23rd April to set up an Action For Hoddesdon campaign. Anyone living or working in the town who wants to take an active part in getting Broxbourne Council to implement a range of policies to rejuvenate Hoddesdon as a matter of urgency is invited to come along to the Hunt Room next door to Hoddesdon Parish
Church on 23rd April at 7pm.

The meeting’s priorities will be to :
  • Set up a small steering committee
  • Agree a set of aims for the campaign
  • Ensure the delivery of substantial feedback from local residents and businesses to the proposals in Broxbourne Council’s forthcoming Hoddesdon Town Centre Strategy.
  • Lobby for the points in the Hoddesdon Charter to be implemented by Broxbourne Council.

Alan Jeffery, owner of Hoddesdon’s bookshop and a key speaker at the Public Meeting, said “This is an opportunity for all members of the local community to share their views on the future of our town, and then work together to make it happen. We look forward to seeing anyone who can spare a little time to help out with a wide range of tasks – writing and designing leaflets, preparing and delivering mailouts, updating the campaign website, fund-raising and helping with online research.”

The campaign would also welcome anyone who currently is, or has been in the past, a solicitor, accountant, architect or local authority planning officer.

For further information contact: action4hoddesdon@googlemail.com


  1. Hoddesdon is such a beautiful town, with so much history. We should be proud of our heritage and work together to preserve it while attracting visitors.

  2. Hoddesdon should be a vibrant town for young and old with many more facilities and the swimming pools reopened.
    I have hated the Tower Centre eversince it was built and the firt time I visited it in the sixties aged 10 I said it was cold and drafty like a small Harlow.
    The freshly boarded up shops should be made into affordable homes for young and pro's with a ply area and garden in the middle the focal point of the town centre should be middle of the High Steet with more parking!
