Monday 22 February 2010

Action4Hoddesdon to support Independent Councillors

At a well attended Action4Hoddesdon meeting on 15th Feb 2010 it was noted that, although the final version of Broxbourne’s Council’s Town Plan for Hoddesdon has taken on board a number of the key demands which were included in our People’s Plan, it still contains very few concrete policies and the time frame for the delivery of the few commitments which are included is very unclear.

Furthermore, many people expressed anger and frustration at the news that when this plan was adopted by Broxbourne Council last month it was described by Council Leaders as being only an "aspirational" document. This clearly indicates Broxbourne Council still intend to avoid any commitment to improve the town despite more than 1000 local residents showing support for our proposals at two public meetings, by completing our questionnaire and by signing two petitions.

After a considered discussion it was agreed unanimously that the ONLY effective option left to us by Broxbourne’ Council’s characteristic contempt for the wishes of the local community is to challenge them at the ballot box on 6th May. This idea has already been advocated by the group campaigning for the Hoddesdon Open Air Pool. It was therefore agreed that A4H should actively encourage a group of people to stand as independent candidates at the forthcoming local election and provide practical support to help them get elected.

To start that process we have asked Hertford resident and local Councillor JIM THORNTON to talk about his new book INDEPENDENTS FOR EAST HERTS at a free event at Mayhem Theatre Arts in Brewery Road on Thurs 4th March at 7pm. Like many people, Jim became completely disillusioned with the way party politics undermines local democracy and distorts responses to local issues so he resigned from the Conservative party to stand as an Independent Councillor. He also formed an organisation called East Herts People to provide support for residents in our area interested in putting themselves forward to represent their local communities. For more information see: East Herts People

This meeting will be an opportunity for local residents who feel they could do a better job of running the Borough of Broxbourne than the current elected councillors to come along and find out exactly how the election process works and how they can stand themselves. Anyone willing to volunteer to assist in a campaign to help get a group of independent candidates elected will be very welcome too.